Friday, March 19, 2010

Love without regrets

In the beginning it was love...It was love that brought a man and a woman together in a marriage. It will be love that ensures that the marriage withstands all hails, storms or tsunamis. Uncle Lee says "love without regrets"...I value his words greatly. (one can always learn a great deal from those who are wiser :-))

I've learnt from my 13 years of marriage that highs and lows are part and parcel of love. That sometimes when your expectations of your loved one are not met, you can become really hurt and dissapointed. That after some years of being together you tend to take each other for granted and forget the little things that spice up the marriage. Like saying "I love you" or buying presents just because you want to. I'm glad I realized that because I'm going to try my best to not take him for granted.

I've also learnt that when you learn to communicate better with the other half, all problems have their solutions. And that if you have an ego the size of an elephant, the ego tends to be a blockage to effective communication. Most importantly, I've learnt that you need to forgive over and over again because love makes you vulnerable and you feel hurt easily. It is forgiveness that restores the sweetness of your marriage.

Reading this entry of uncle Lee's blog makes me smile. A wise man indeed. I'm glad I have realized that I love without regrets too. Life is too short to be wasted...and I'd like to live it with love.


smallkucing on March 19, 2010 at 4:36 PM said...

yes he is indeed a wiseman

Home improvements queens on March 20, 2010 at 5:25 PM said...

I agreed with you admin

concrete contractors nyc bronx brooklyn manhattan yonkers on March 20, 2010 at 5:31 PM said...

True love can get married and spend all life together and and other love just thirsty of s...

Pavers contractors NYC on March 20, 2010 at 5:35 PM said...

True love is blind

Skoopo Paid links Directory on March 20, 2010 at 5:39 PM said...

Love is life if real

ajoyly on April 12, 2010 at 9:36 AM said...

May I add, 'to err is human,to forgive divine."

However, as catholics, I suggest that you add Jesus to be in the centre of your marriage for you and your husband.

When Jesus is in control, meaning you and your husband surrender your marriage to Him. He will be able to protect it from the attack of the evil one.

Satan knows that if he can break the sanctity of marriage, the family will be broken and this will enable him to take over. The
consequence then, will be very bad.

Jesus will not let this happen if you and your husband let Him take care of your marriage.

God bless & regards


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